Thanks Adam. Fascinating reminder that wired into our DNA is the desire to own, in its many manifestations and consequences. It’s a problem.

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Is it really in the DNA of all humans? What creates this worldview? Who created it? Who /what maintains it?

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Interesting, thanks. I can add that in Sweden there is legislating prohibiting companies, funds etc from buying agriculture or forest land (although, those owning land before that law came into place can continue to own it and sell it to other legal persons). There are move to change this with the argument that there is a need for more capital in the ag sector (as farms have become so big and therefore so expensive).

I just wrote an op-ed in Swedish arguing for a land reform in Swedish forests to convert more of it into locally managed commons...

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Thanks Gunnar! Can you send me the name of the legislation? I am presenting a paper about land legislation in the EU at a conference next week and can use this example. Important to track how the supposed relationship between liberalizing the property sector and boosting the flow of capital are always asserted as fact, when it may be a trojan horse.

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I believe you can find something in this https://stud.epsilon.slu.se/3827/1/Nilsson_S_120127.pdf

and this https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1676067/FULLTEXT01.pdf for more details you should probably contact the authors, I am no expert in the legalities of this.

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